
Learn Quickbooks, a most sought-after accountancy software in the UK

May 09, 2023

What is Quickbooks?

Intuit first launched QuickBooks in 1983, and since then, the QuickBooks platform has dominated the accounting software marketplace. Thousands of companies use QuickBooks, making it the most sought-after accounting software across the UK. QuickBooks learning becomes essential if you want to build your accountancy career or are a small business looking for accountancy software. 

Advantages of Quickbooks' learning

What benefits can you have from a Quickbooks certification? You can enjoy many advantages if you are well-versed in this high-end accounting software. Let us present some of the benefits below:

  • Accurate and more work in a shorter time
  • Current and future taxation knowledge
  • Insight for preparing future cash flow
  • Business progress monitoring
  • Receivables management
  • Money spending analysis
  • Avoid balancing books
  • Payroll management
  • Projections

Therefore, choose at least a QB online (QBO) or QuickBooks practical training. You can complete this training in your scheduled time without disturbing your life schedules. It also helps if you consider Quickbooks jobs that will pay you well. Also, QuickBooks Online provides you with room for your professional growth.  

Is Quickbooks Software challenging to learn?

Quickbooks is difficult? The question that most people have in their minds. On the other hand, aspiring students feel a bit of worry that QuickBooks is hard to learn. While you may think learning bookkeeping is challenging, it is not. The Quickbooks software, by design, helps people learn accountancy quickly. While the software's operations may be complex, your role is manageable.

How can you learn Quickbooks?

Various methods help you learn QuickBooks. For example, you can choose QuickBooks Online (QBO), which also has accreditation. Also, studying QuickBook accounting tutorials are suitable for your spare time. You can get help from videos to thoroughly understand the software. 

Further, you can look for a full-time classroom course, which is also a better opportunity. Many online resources are available today to learn QuickBooks accounting software. 

Will I be paid more if I am Quickbooks certified?

The majority of UK businesses use QuickBooks, making it the most sought-after. It can improve your chances of getting employed. Also, QuickBooks certifications put you in a better negotiating position with your offers. Furthermore, your salary depends upon your employer, location etc. Yes, you might get paid more compared to some who are not QuickBooks certified. 


Our tips and techniques, making QuickBooks easier for you

Suppose you are thinking of starting learning Quickbooks. Our tips and techniques will make QuickBooks easier once you start using it at work.

  • Choose a highly secure password – Quickbooks is all about sensitive financial information. You are choosing a fully secure password, saving you a lot of headaches later.
  • Enter the correct company information – the higher the accuracy of the details you enter on the "company tab of the software, the better results you will get. When the software has all the information, its reports will be highly correct and relevant.
  • Add the correct customer information.
  • If you use this for payroll, enter the employees' names correctly.
  • Always reconcile with Quickbooks for expenses and receivables. The reconciliation gives a better idea of your organisation's status.
  • Always back up your data by setting up an automatic schedule, helping you remember to do it manually.
  • Turn off the Spellcheck feature on your Quickbooks, especially if you are only getting started, because it can be confusing on Quickbooks with the company names, especially. You must go to Edit > Preferences > Speller and turn off the "Always Check Spelling" option by unchecking the relevant box.

We described helping you know how Quickbooks can boost your accounting career and what makes Quickbooks easier for you. Why not start QuickBooks learning today? It is one of the best study investments you have ever made.